Snow Day Fashion

Whew, we survived that first week back at work after the holidays! I think a toast or something is in order, don’t you? Or maybe just a glass of wine πŸ™‚

Something uncommon happened in South Carolina last night: it snowed. My relationship with those icy little particles is admittedly different from most Carolinians; I grew up in NH and moved to NY at eighteen for college, then did a 360 at twenty-two: 4 years in California followed by 2 years in Hawaii. Snow went from an every day occurrence to something that existed only for skiing when I drove to Lake Tahoe. My blood thinned out those 6 years and now snow comes as a bit of a shock. But I love it! Here’s why: first, I got to take Juliana out and watch her experience the white stuff (you’re right if you’re thinking there were several “Frozen” references) and second, I get to dress for the weather…and take photos with a neat backdrop ;).

Which brings me to the this outfit. If you read my last few posts in December (here, here, and here) you know I’m on a “Capsule Wardrobe” kick…pulling my daily duds from a paired-down set of items (30, to be exact) from Dec. 26th-January 25th. Admittedly I didn’t factor snow–and the need for a warmer jacket–into this wardrobe planning, so today the collection grew by one when I added my favorite Kate Spade NY pea coat. Truth be told, I was pretty excited to add a pop of color into my otherwise relatively-neutral capsule.

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Initially I tried styling this coat a few different ways with scarves and/or jewelry but in the end decided to keep things simple. This jacket is statement piece and it looked best when I didn’t have anything else “competing” with it.

FullSizeRender (2).jpgI love everything about this jacket: the color, the princess sleeves, its oversized collar, gold button detail, and the way it flares at the bottom.

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The bottom of the sleeves are neat too.

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Bag View.jpgYou can bundle up in a traditional puffer jacket (don’t get me wrong, there are some really cute ones out there) or you can pick a pea coat like this to make a statement and share your personality without saying a word.

Peacoat: similar here. I also absolutely love this one and this one.
Jeans (similar)
Boots (on sale!)
Hair bun (this will take your bun game up like 10 notches πŸ™‚ )




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