Ok, wow- I need to catch my breath. I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced so many emotions in one week before- excitement, giddiness, disbelief, anxiety, and most of all intense gratitude.
I accepted a job with Meadow Gold Dairies in Honolulu, Hawaii and Juliana and I will be moving out next month. It took months of planning and some deep soul searching, but somehow it still doesn’t feel real (…but I’m so excited!)
I lived in Hawaii for two years before I had Juliana but moved to Charlotte to be close to family when I was expecting her. When we went back to Oahu last November it was the strangest thing; walking through the breezeway at the Honolulu airport I felt like I was finally home. And the feeling never wore off. I had planned to be there three days and extended our trip to a week. Shortly after I got back, I set flight alerts to take another trip in February.

The more I thought about it, I realized my love for Hawaii went much deeper than the beautiful beaches or the perfect weather. Yes, Oahu is stunning but one of the most beautiful things about the island are the people- locals in Hawaii are some of the kindest and most loving people you’ll ever meet. I also love how so many backgrounds come together into a diverse melting pot that is a culture in itself. It’s a community with an emphasis on family and quality time.

I made the decision to move back in late February. I knew it was right, but even though I was excited I was TERRIFIED.
My fear had a lot to do with making sure I did things in a way that provides for Juliana but I was also scared because I was so comfortable living in Charlotte. There was a lot to leave: a great job, an awesome boss, a beautiful house and most of all family and friends. And getting a job in Hawaii when you don’t already live there isn’t exactly straightforward. Oh- and moving your stuff is another blog post in itself ?.
But I realized it’s not living to hold yourself back for fear or inconvenience, so I got to it. And you know the crazy thing? Once I started taking action, I swear the stars aligned. There were bumps on the road but everything fell into place. I really believe God worked things out in His perfect synchronicity.

I can’t wait to share more with you in the coming weeks, but in the meantime here are the answers to a few questions-
Where I am I working? I’ll be working for Meadow Gold Dairies as an Account Manager based in Honolulu.
Where are we living? Juliana and I will be living in a neighborhood in Honolulu, where she’ll start kindergarten in August!
So that’s my Big Dream I’ve been working on the last several months and it feels soooo good to finally be able to share it with you!

I’d love to know- what Big Dream are you working on making a reality? I believe each of us is made for more and it’s only when we set big, brave goals for ourselves that life reaches a new level of joy and meaning. Don’t be content with the ordinary- go for the extraordinary.
I love you guys and thank you for being here with me during this exciting time…and keep your Hawaii questions coming!
Aww yay! So happy for y’all! I wondered if you were contemplating a big move when you dropped a few hints about big decisions! I’m sure it’s been a long overwhelming process but glad it’s finally all falling into place! I’ve been going through a transition phase too and it’s funny how many times your story has coincided with what’s going on in my life! I’m still in the decision making stage right now, but hearing your news is a huge encouragement. It’s amazing how things fall into place when you find where God wants you to be isn’t it? Congrats and keep us posted on your big move!
Aww thank you Megan! Yes it’s been a long process but it’s exciting to finally be four days out. Best of luck in your new phase, I can’t wait to hear how everything goes but I know it will all work out and be amazing! That’s so cool how our lives have coincided. Thanks for being here <3
So so excited for you! A big move like that can be stressful and scary sometimes. But always worth it!
Xx, Kelsey
Thank you so much Kelsey! <3