5 Spring Staples You Need in Your Closet

It’s no secret I’m ready for Spring! I know we are closer than ever now that it’s March, but it’s still two months till our pool opens. I’m dying to take Juliana (she’s loved water since forever) and it can’t get here soon enough!

I know I’ve talked about Spring stuff a lot lately. Tonight’s post was originally going to be an eyeliner tutorial BUT with travel the last few weekends and work travel this week I haven’t had  a chance yet. We’ll get there!  🙂

When it comes to Spring stuff, there are the things you’ll wear a few times (guilty as charged) and the pieces you’ll wear over and over till Fall.

Below are my favorites that fall into the second group:

  1. One Teaspoon Shorts. These are the BEST shorts I’ve found to date in my life. I plan on trying a ton of shorts in the next few weeks (and sharing the best ones with you!) but so far these are my absolute favorites. I have them in this light was denim as well as white.
  2. Strappy Espadrilles. These are the perfect blend of style, versatility and comfort…I wore them all over Charleston the weekend before last. I packed them because they go with everything and was surprised how comfortable they were for all day walking.

3. Lilac sweater. I got this sweater for the color but was surprised with how well it drapes and flattering it looks. I’ve worn it on literally every flight I’ve been on since I got it…lol! I can’t wait to wear it with those One Teaspoon white denim shorts in a few weeks.

4. Light kimono. I love the layering trend for Spring and Summer, plus I feel like it’s always good to have a light layering option for chilly nights or air conditioned buildings (I’m always running cold!) This one also comes in black. I kind of wish it came in white too bc I would get it!

Charleston Fashion Blogger Rainbow Row

5. Layering necklaces. I got this necklace and this necklace for layering back in January and wear them several times a week. Sometimes I just do the medium one, but more often I do both. I know I need to mix things up, but I can’t help it…they go with everything

Now that I’ve shared a few of my Spring wardrobe staples, I want to know- what are yours?

Love always,


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P.S. For a bonus piece, I just got this little dress under $50 and I’m in LOVE! It’s perfect for laying with a denim jacket in early Spring and solo once the climate warms up.

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    • Terra
      March 4, 2018 / 9:46 pm

      Thank you Briana!



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