Wardrobe Essentials Wrap-Up and Checklist

Hello gals! This post is a wrap-up of my weekly “build your wardrobe” series. My goal with this series: take on a category each week and share the items I think every gal should own to have a versatile/super-functional wardrobe. Owning the right basics will save time in the short run and money in the long run. It’s much easier to construct killer outfits when you have the right “building blocks”, so to speak. I’ve noticed many people (myself included!) gravitate towards a specific item type when they shop (for me, it’s tops and earrings). Knowing what you have and what you need makes it much easier to shop with purpose.

To help organize your wardrobe “haves” and “needs” in one place, I’ve created a little checklist tool below below. Simply check what you need and keep it handy when shopping online or in-store. ๐Ÿ™‚

Wardrobe Essentials Checklist


Like all the images on Fifteen Minutes to Flawless, this checklist is “pinnable”. Feel free to add it to your Pinterest account so you can pull it up any time you’re out (or at your computer!) shopping. (To Pin, hover your mouse in the top right corner and the Pinterest logo will appear.).

Always feel free to email me or send me a direct message on Instagram with any fashion-related questions. A few of you have taken me up on this, and being able to help made those days for me!

Last, my apologies this post is going up tonight instead of Friday. The last few weeks have been true a challenge trying to balance mom life, work & work travel, and blogging. (I’m not traveling this week though, so that will help bring things a little more in balance!) My goal will continue to be three posts a week, with as few “gaps” as possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope you have a great evening!



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